An exercise to help you find a job in a new industry

Stressed after being retrenched……..

  • Published on August 5, 2020

By Shana Lebowitz Gaynor Correspondent at Business Insider 42 articles

Millions of people have lost their jobs in the past few months.

Many of them will have to look for work in new fields.

“In some cases people are getting laid off from industries in which there are literally no open positions,” said Lindsay Witcher, vice president of practice strategy at the talent-mobility firm Randstad RiseSmart.

Witcher shared a simple exercise that can help you figure out how your skills and experience might apply in a new context.

Start by listing the skills you used every day in your previous job, along with relevant accomplishments. For example, say you’ve just lost a job in marketing. Your transferable skills might include public relations, content management, and product launches. Those skills might map well to a job in business intelligence or brand management.

The goal is to think broadly about the kinds of jobs you could reasonably do — even if that means taking a contract role for the time being.

You can check out all stories in the HR Insider series here (you’ll also find the full worksheet RiseSmart uses to help clients), but as a refresher: We’re all about helping you get hired and succeed at top companies, building a career that’s fulfilling to you.

Are you looking for work in a new industry? How are you pinpointing roles that you could be a fit for?

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